Youth Group

Our vision is to glorify God in all things by making transformational leaders and kingdom builders of students through Christ-centered worship, Christ-centered community, Christ-centered service, and Christ-centered multiplication.
We see this happening through families who are leaders and kingdom builders in their homes and communities, through leaders who build Christ-centered relationships with youth, and through students who develop lifestyles of loving, following, and proclaiming Jesus.
The LEFC youth group is a group of students made up of 7th-12th graders. We meet weekly, dig into the truth of God’s word, discuss it in small groups, apply it to our lives, and have a ton of fun with games, fellowship, and snacks. 
We have many other ministry opportunities and activities available through the year including serving the elderly, collecting food for the food shelf, working at the mobile home park, Districts Youth Conference, guys/girls nights, missions trips, hangouts, and more.
Our yearly youth group program is currently running weekly on Wednesdays, 6:30pm at LEFC. We will be going until May 21st, with breaks over major holidays.
For more information, or for the current schedule, please contact Sam Cravillion at

The Story

The Story is not just a story it is the main story. The story of how God created all things perfect and for his glory. But his people rebelled against him, and as a result of their disobedience, they plunged the whole world into sin and death.
But God did not leave his people with out rescue. He sent his son Jesus Christ to earth. Jesus, was fully God and fully man, lived a perfect life, and in the end he died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. As a result, if we believe in him and follow him he gives us the right to become children of God. One day he will return and will make his creation and his people new, and he will dwell with them forever.
This is the reason we gather as a church and as a youth group. If you don’t know what it means to follow Jesus we encourage you to watch the video below, and learn how to become part of God’s forever story.