We are an Evangelical Free Church – for more information on our denomination, click here.
The EFCA has a wide variety of churches. Some are more formal and traditional, while others are more casual and contemporary. La Crescent Free Church is a blend of both, leaning toward a more casual setting. We are “seeker-sensitive” but not “seeker-centered.” We believe that worship is for believers, therefore we desire to maintain biblical wording and phrases as used in Scripture, yet we strive to use theological terms/concepts which can be easily explained. Our passion is for people to come to know Jesus, to worship Him, and to glorify Him!
A Glimpse of a Typical Service
When you first enter the building, you’ll see lots of people from many different walks of life. As you make your way to the main room (the “sanctuary”) you will be greeted by someone who will hand you a bulletin. We often open the service with a song, and then have a brief time of saying hello to those around us. We’re a gregarious church – so this greeting time does take a little time, but don’t worry, we won’t point out visitors. After that, we have general announcements, more worship music, a sermon, and then some closing worship music.
Our style of music is a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary Christian worship songs. Song lyrics are displayed on an overhead at the front of the room, and our worship leader will give direction on when to stand, sing, or pray together. We utilize various instruments, including guitars, piano, synthesizer, and percussion.
Pastor Ryan Perry is our primary preacher on Sunday mornings, and you can expect his sermon to begin by standing for the reading of the Bible passage that has inspired the message and a prayer for our time in the Word.
Each service lasts a little over an hour.
What to Expect for Your Children
We offer nursery during the 10:30am service for babies and preschoolers. Parents are encouraged to do what they feel is best for their children, and are not pressured to put them in the nursery. If you would like to utilize this ministry, someone will direct you to the appropriate room where a volunteer will help you check in your little one(s).
We do have an audio system set up in our main entryway which allows parents to take restless children out of the service, yet still be able hear the service without having to worry about their children distracting others.
We have “fun busy bags” available near the bathrooms for any children who may like them.
Should I bring a Bible to church?
It’s a good idea to bring your bible to church, however, if you forget yours or don’t have one, we have bibles available. Most of the scripture references during sermons are put on an overhead screen at the front of the sanctuary. The bible version most commonly used at LEFC is the English Standard Version.
We are a technology friendly church, so you will see people using their smart phones and tablets to access the bible. Please feel free to download a bible app to your handheld device and utilize it during our worship services.
How should I dress?
Wear whatever is comfortable for you. You’ll see most of our people wearing jeans and casual wear; even our ushers, pastors, and worship leaders. Some wear dresses and suits. Some wear shorts. We do value honoring and respecting each other, so modest clothing choices are expected and encouraged.
What is the next step?
Attending our worship services is a great first step toward connecting with other believers and growing in your relationship with Christ, but it does not need to stop there. We have many other opportunities for you to be involved in our church community. You can sign up for a bible study, attend a men’s or women’s ministry event, or volunteer in our children’s ministry.
We hope that our website and Sunday morning announcements will help you to know what is available and how to be involved, but feel free to simply ask our pastors or elders how you might get connected here at LEFC.